The Paradigm For Remote Education
The go-to platform for live personalized social learning and teaching experiences.
Anyone can be a teacher, anyone can be a student.

& 12,311+ community members

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One-on-One Sessions with Top Teachers
Level-up your learning with personalized tutoring sessions tailored to your needs. The more you learn, the higher you’ll rise in our skill tiers!

Personalized connection for the lifetime
Communicate with your teacher directly through our secure messaging system to schedule sessions and discuss your learning goals.
Our platform also provides video conferencing tools to facilitate seamless online tutoring sessions.
Embark on your teaching adventure today!

Craft Courses & Share Your Knowledge
Empower others by creating courses. Unleash the teacher within you and share your expertise with the world.
TeachServ offers the tools to help anyone be a teacher.

Unlock Earnings as an Educator
Discover multiple revenue streams with our platform. Earn from paid subscriptions, tutoring fees, merchandise sales, and tips.
Grow your following of subscribers at your own pace.
Meetings Powered by
Teachserv’s dedicated meeting application for all teachers and students is powered by
Go to to find out how the live remote video conferncing AI quiz generator works!
What people are saying
Emily Johnson
Thanks to Teachserv, I unlocked my passion for gardening. Huge thanks to Sophie for being so patient with me.
Jenna Cortney
Teachserv, has given me a platform to help the community of design enthusiasts. I knew I always had a passion for teaching. But I always always struggled when it came to designing and facilitating the course. With Teachserv, I was able to lauch my course within 2 weeks and I’ve helped 10+ students find their first entry level design job.
Mark Miller
I never thought I could use my photograhy knowledge and share my love for it to the world. Watching students grow one photo at a time, has now made my life so much more impactful
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Teach A Course Today.
This platform is for all who have a desire to teach or learn. If you have never taught before, or if you are a long time educator, you will enjoy the ease of managing a live remote class on TeachServ.
Being a student on TeachServ will be fun and easy at the comfort of your own space, and at a minimal cost for great knowledge from your personally selected teachers.
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